lunes, 30 de junio de 2014

More than 250.000 apps in Windows Phone

The Windows Phone store has just overcome the 250.000 apps, a hoping figure and with numbers which break records in comparison to its competence, do you have doubts from the takeoff of Windows Phone yet?

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014

Is it inclusive the trousers with wireless loader?

All we are worried about having a point of charge near to have always our Smartphone ready, and Nokia asked why not to combine mode and technology to solve this problem, they have now achieved, do you encourage to know it?

lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

Do you know Office Remote yet?

It is sure that many would have had presentations before a committee, a meeting of business or in front of some people and there wasn´t always or it didn´t work correctly the command with which to turn the transparency, point with cursors, so I have a application which will make you worry about all this, use Office Remote.

martes, 17 de junio de 2014

Windows 8.1 arrives in schools, hospitals, planes…..

Microsoft is making a great labor demonstrating the productivity of its operating system, and this starts to be adopted by schools, hospital centers and air lines, are we before the disembarkation of Windows 8.1?

What does it add to us the update of Xbox One of July?

Another month, other update with its improvements and added features, Xbox One keep improving to feel good to the maxim number of possible users, do you want to know them?

What is it being seen at the e3?

Halo, Forza, Sunset Overdrive, Zelda, Uncharted 4….. are some of the games which are being watched at the e3, all them with a great orientation to the multiplayer, fabulous graphics and a gameplay we´ve never seen before, do you like this e3?

Similar technology to kinect on Windows Phone? Yes, with 3D Touch.

Would you like to control your Windows Phone through gestures without the necessity of touching the screen? Microsoft is preparing a new technology which might be shown in the end of year, do you want to know 3D Touch?

martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Blast conference of Xbox One in the E3.

Microsoft has been the first to give the conference in the E3 surprising to all the people who follow it, showing game after game, exclusive after exclusive….do you wanna know what it has presented Xbox One?

Lumia 630, the successor of the throne of Windows Phone?

We have between us the new Lumia 630, the first Smartphone which arrives to the market with Windows Phone 8.1 officially at a breaking price, will it be the new substitute of the King sales Lumia 520?

viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

Xbox One prepares for the e3.

Less than a week to start one of the largest fairs in video games, Microsoft keeps presenting novelties for Xbox One, do you dare to know them?

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

What happens with Surface Mini?

After some weeks of the presentation of Surface 3 we don´t know nothing about Surface Mini, will Microsoft be thinking about presenting during the Computex event?

domingo, 1 de junio de 2014

Discover some interesting novelties for Windows Phone.

They have just launched the new Lumia 630, WhatsApp comes back improved and Microsoft launches the explorer of official files for Windows Phone 8.1, do you want to know more details?

Skype will be able to traduce languages at the real time.

Microsoft has just taken out news which might revolutionize the world of the communications, since through Skype we could talk with any person of the world without putting languages barriers, do you aim at the revolution?