martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Blast conference of Xbox One in the E3.

Microsoft has been the first to give the conference in the E3 surprising to all the people who follow it, showing game after game, exclusive after exclusive….do you wanna know what it has presented Xbox One?

Before all the possibilities, there is no expression which defines better this presentation, they have been several weeks with announces and new functions for the console, now they have shown the big quantity of great games which they hope for it to Xbox One, are you ready?

We will start talking about Forza 5, which will add a free dlc for Xbox One with Nürburgring, and now we will turn to the announce of Forza Horizont 2 with multitude of features like the day/night cycle, climatology, more than 200 cars, clubs….here we definitely drive to another level.

Now I will talk about another exclusive that will be talking about, Sunset Overdrive offers something new and unique, and it can move in many ways and very creative weapons, colorful and crazy  are the words that define this game, which you can see below.

Platinum has exclusively developed ScaleBound, a new fantasy game that make you dream more than one, too have seen some details of Assassin´s Creed Unity, which will offer multiplayer 4 people and large number of individuals and iterations on the screen, a blast playable level they have shown in the demo.

We now turn to a world of fantasy and dragons, Microsoft has introduced Dragon Age: Inquisition, a great example of virtuosity and chivalry that will get you into the medieval age. Another game that has left us dazzled is The Division, which through a playable demo has shown how they spend the developers to create a real world, real movements and game play available to the largest.

It could not miss one of the most beloved sagas, Halo was last seen announcing The Master Chief Collection, a game that will collect the previous 4 versions remastered so you can enjoy a unique adventure, but it has also shown some Halo 5: Guardians which come later in Xbox One, do you need more reasons to have a Xbox One?

The remains, destruction and destruction is what is shown in the trailer for Crackdown 3, a game apparently Cell-Shading style that will leave us cold, said Microsoft´s own will be a game to forward us a new gaming experience.

Finally it has been shown among after other new features of the new Call Of Duty, showing stunning images of its game play, Fable legends, which we will get into one world and other games to highlight Project Spark and Phantom Dust.

Generally games look especially showing something that can give the next generation, making visible many particle effects, iterations and large influx of people making you feel the power of this beast, will you be able to tame it?

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