lunes, 30 de junio de 2014

More than 250.000 apps in Windows Phone

The Windows Phone store has just overcome the 250.000 apps, a hoping figure and with numbers which break records in comparison to its competence, do you have doubts from the takeoff of Windows Phone yet?

A 25% of increase in only half a year, specifically 50.000 new apps have arrived to the store of Windows Phone from December, a great data which makes see the support such as by the developers who create and adapt apps, as for the users who are acquiring, trying and fascinating with a Smartphone with Windows Phone 8.1.

In fact it was also increased the number of developers overcoming recently the 550.000, although many of them might register only to have the latest version of Windows Phone 8.1 in its device before the official update.

We appreciate a significant change in the arrival of great games, of productive apps, entertainment, social networks, navigation…. Certainly a great joy for those who cannot stop trying new apps to enjoy and you were sick of my “junk” how android, which left hanging mobile of could not be installed by the fact of not having version updated the device.

So we are talking about each day they join to the store around 500 apps, a very interesting rhythm which also has been reflected on the numbers, being this of 10 millions of apps of media uploaded every day, possibly I contribute with it since I am trying to press all the virtues and productive apps from which I have constancy.

In addition, Microsoft has said he it is noticing a strong interest in the Windows Store, the Windows Store 8.1 and RT, which are increasing their odds at a good pace.

I´m looking forward to the long-awaited unification of systems that benefit all, uniting both stores and expanding the catalog, so that it would be mutually enriching all Windows systems inside.

I think the store is having a steady growth and I´m glad because it shows that rely on user and market Windows Phone, as it is being demonstrated with the entry of new manufacturers of smartphones to the platform, I hope they continue this path and continue applying filters and restrictions to avoid filling the shop “my junk” that nobody uses, since I antepongo quality to quantity, and now I´m seeing how my Remote Office, Office Lens or Facebook, but I would like to emphasize that see more growth, I hope that after the advertising campaigns we are seeing the Lumia 630 and other Windows Phone to increase market share this year.

Good news but not for them we have to stop working, we have to do a lot.

And you…. Which apps has been the last you have uploaded?

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