jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

Hyperlapse reinvents with Microsoft Research

It is sure that many have grabbed our experiences in first person having bad results to play the recording, so now Microsoft Research brings you your solution, ready to see your experiences as you they hope?

With the new cameras like GoPro3 or Sony ActionCam, many are the people who are grabbing videos in first person trying to take out the best video to show, but always they find the same, a deficient stabilization which induces to problems in the sight.

This could be solved with a software created by Microsoft Research with which we improve these videos, so that what it was before a video with diverse blurs or problems of stabilization, which originated a nefarious content, they get in excellent scenes which you will desire to show all the people.

The technique would consist on the delete and creation of new frames with the objective of creating a sensation of movement more lineal, so that if we draw a specific circuit, the program could identify zones and create these frames with which we smooth the image.

The example is clearly seen in the climber, which carries the camera on his head and records everything he sees, including its unconscious movements, but with this software, we can see how in the video appears only looking forward, it is certainly brutal the result.

Another genius of Microsoft Research, which still in development, is able to astonish anyone get this completed soon and hopefully see it running on Windows Phone 8.1, which would be another great distinct advantage.

What do you think about the result of this technology?

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