viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Nokia, undisputed king in the low range

Nokia has gone out with a full of prizes in the Global Mobile Awards after showing that they can offer smartphones of a low range with a dignified quality and experience of other superior range.

After having finished one of the biggest ferias of mobiles in the world, it showed in the show of the Global Mobile Awards that Nokia still continues unbeatable in the input and low range, where it achieves a quality/price ratio, that only Nokia has achieved to break, showing that they can offer experiences of high and medium range in its smartphones more valuable to the user.

All the digital media comment how the Windows Phone system is a operating mobile system able to offer a great experience of user even with low services, and it is for that reason, and for the effort of Nokia, which has achieved that Lumia 520, gets in top sellers in the SmartPhone with Windows Phone.. with something more than 25% of the quota of Smart Phones with Windows Phone. 

This led to Lumia 520 wins the prize to the best smartphone of low range, so its quality and services break with the tendency of quality/price ratio, with this Lumia it´s shown that they can  offer characteristics and experiences of other superior ranges with a more valuable price.

Another award winner was the Nokia 105 in the category of input mobiles, category dominated by Nokia who want to show they know what they want mobile users seeking basic and uncomplicated.

We hope that this is a data to have in count with the new range of Nokia, the X range, which wanted to be near through a Fork of android mobiles of low range to the users, and get to attract a great mass of users who use the services of Microsoft at the same time that they adapt to the Windows environment, once to take the step towards a better Smartphone, decide that their best option is a Lumia.

Congratulations Nokia!

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