martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Xbox One breathes new life.

Microsoft announced this week various changes that will influence in the future of Xbox One, between them the change in the directive of Xbox, which will be Phill Spencer as a leader, with new ideas and objectives on mind that can be expressed in a sentence: “Create the best possible console”.

The internal structure of Microsoft is changing, new airs are breathed by the company but all with a objective, the possibility of offering better services and unique products to the users.

The before responsible person of Microsoft Game Studios, Phil Spencer, will be to be the leader of the division of Xbox, he has already commented in an interview his vision about what it will be the console, refocusing it to the videogames and acknowledging some errors in the launch.

Its objective will be focusing on getting that Xbox One is the console which offers better games and the best entertaining. Great words which we hope translate into strategic actions for the same.

Now I will comment one of the new characteristics that have implemented in the console, how the possibility of uploading videos to Youtube. Microsoft keeps thinking on the user, in the gamers and the way of improving the experience, so you could grab, edit, make streaming and upload videos without having a potent linked computer.

Also it has known that Microsoft is supporting to the independent studies and developers, as it has seen through the Unite  Japan conference, in which Microsoft joined with independent studies to announce new developers and announce some advantages which has to publish games in Xbox One.

Finally they even have the possibility that in a future we can get the backward of Xbox 360 in Xbox One, by that reason the users who had collections of games of Xbox 360 can enjoy of the same in Xbox One. Although it is even an idea, we hope they take it as an objective and get to achieve this action.

    And you….do you think Xbox One is strengthening its position with these changes? 

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