viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Technology takes over Royal Caribbean

Microsoft has confirmed that Royal Caribbean will perform a deployment of 40,000 Windows tablets with its employees, but that´s not all, it also updates its fleet to be the latest on technology; do you want to know more?

Windows Threshold is nearer

Many sources indicate that at the end of September Microsoft will hold an event in which we will see such as the future of Windows Threshold as the unification of Windows Phone and Windows RT, do you want to know more?

miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

HTC One M8 shows its potential

It arrives a rival which looks for competing with the high range of Windows Phone, showing that HTC also knows to create potent smartphones with which we show its technology, do you want to discover what this HTC hide?

martes, 26 de agosto de 2014

Saudi Airlines bets on Microsoft

One of the largest airlines in the Middle East, Saudi Airlines, has decided to be guided by the Microsoft software, betting on a multitude of services in order to improve their effectiveness and efficiency, do you want to know more?

Steve Ballmer says goodbye to Microsoft

Steve Ballmer has decided to leave his position on the board of Microsoft, after 34 years in the business, 14 like CEO and 6 months within the dome of Microsoft, has chosen to move on and focus on future projects, What´s on Ballmer mind?

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

WindUp arrives to replace to Snapchat

Sure that many people would like to send messages, images or videos which last a limited time, and once finished that time self-destruct, now Microsoft Research has launched an app to offer this service of the best way, do you want to know more about WindUp?

martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

Which updates will we see on Xbox One?

Microsoft has used Gamescom to reflect their high level of involvement with the Xbox division, exposing its future updates; do you want to know what they will bring?

Ready for more?

Microsoft has just announced a new event in which it could present its new smartphones of médium range Lumia 730 or 830, will they moreover surprise with something new?

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

Hyperlapse reinvents with Microsoft Research

It is sure that many have grabbed our experiences in first person having bad results to play the recording, so now Microsoft Research brings you your solution, ready to see your experiences as you they hope?

Windows Store doesn´t stop of growing

Microsoft has achieved to get a figure of more than 300.000 applications in its Windows Store, having now all the most important apps in its operating system, ¿Do you want to know more details?

lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014

Surface Pro 3 has one of the best screens

According to DisplayMate, a enterprise dedicated to analyse qualities of screens, Surface Pro 3 would have one of the best screens in the market, do you want to know more details of it?

Windows Phone exceeds IOS in Spain.

It is time the public is beginning to understand and acquire the system, and this is the first time in history in which Windows Phone outsells Ios, is it going to continue this growth trend?

miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

Lumia 530 vs low range

Microsoft has launched a video in which it demonstrates in less than a minute which is the best option to choose between a Smartphone if you only have 100€ to spend, and here it is demonstrated as the low range is for Windows Phone, do you want to see the announce?

Novelties of the Update 1 of WP 8.1

Today we have known a review that it certainly will glad to all Windows Phone users, and the reason is that during the fourth day of August it will launch the preview for developers of the Update 1 of Windows Phone 8.1. Do you want to know some of the new features?

lunes, 28 de julio de 2014

An unique operating system for everything

After the term accounts, Satya has made some declarations in which he has been sure about its objective for Windows, create an unique system for all the sizes of screen, a challenge full of hope and expectations, do you dare to imagine?

martes, 22 de julio de 2014

Xbox One Update of August

More social, more facilities to buy, new possibilities of contents reproduction in 3D….if there is a company which keeps adding elements and features to its console without stopping  that is Microsoft, do you dare to know what it will appear in August?

Xbox One duplicates its vents without kinect

Great reception which has received the new pack of Xbox One without kinect, reaffirming that this is the best option for the next gen, which has the best exclusive games for gamers, are we at the start of the real war of consoles?

lunes, 21 de julio de 2014

Anxious to learn new things?

If you cannot stop doing things and want to deepen or learn about a specific subject related to Microsoft, you now have the opportunity to download free over 80 official books, are you ready to expand your knowledge?

Enjoy a different wallpaper every day

Are you tired of seeing the same wallpaper on your desktop? Surely you would enjoy a different wallpaper every day, and have a solution for it, use Bing Desktop and let yourself be fooled by a spectacular world!

Nokia by Microsoft

After the acquisition of Nokia by one of the giants of the technology, Microsoft, we know which new denomination we could see in the future Smartphones, which are filtering, do you dare to know them?

jueves, 17 de julio de 2014

smartwatch or intelligent bracelet?

According to many sources the intelligent watch of Microsoft would already be in the way, although they keep having many doubts about its competitive advantage or differentiator, will Microsoft surprise with new functions for the consumer?

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

Office for Android, what will it mean?

After the official launch of Office for IOS, Microsoft wants to keep capturing market with the launch of optimized Office for Android tablets, what will it mean for the market?

lunes, 7 de julio de 2014

What do you hope for Xbox in July?

The summer starts, a period of the year where you enjoy of the holidays with the family, friends, couple, and your Xbox One, are you ready for what it might arrive in July?

domingo, 6 de julio de 2014

Your enterprise needs Windows Phone.

Microsoft is sure that its objectives at a short and medium time, and one of them would be to convert Windows Phone in the most used ecosystem mobile in the business world, will it achieve to have preponderance in that market?

lunes, 30 de junio de 2014

More than 250.000 apps in Windows Phone

The Windows Phone store has just overcome the 250.000 apps, a hoping figure and with numbers which break records in comparison to its competence, do you have doubts from the takeoff of Windows Phone yet?

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014

Is it inclusive the trousers with wireless loader?

All we are worried about having a point of charge near to have always our Smartphone ready, and Nokia asked why not to combine mode and technology to solve this problem, they have now achieved, do you encourage to know it?

lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

Do you know Office Remote yet?

It is sure that many would have had presentations before a committee, a meeting of business or in front of some people and there wasn´t always or it didn´t work correctly the command with which to turn the transparency, point with cursors, so I have a application which will make you worry about all this, use Office Remote.

martes, 17 de junio de 2014

Windows 8.1 arrives in schools, hospitals, planes…..

Microsoft is making a great labor demonstrating the productivity of its operating system, and this starts to be adopted by schools, hospital centers and air lines, are we before the disembarkation of Windows 8.1?

What does it add to us the update of Xbox One of July?

Another month, other update with its improvements and added features, Xbox One keep improving to feel good to the maxim number of possible users, do you want to know them?

What is it being seen at the e3?

Halo, Forza, Sunset Overdrive, Zelda, Uncharted 4….. are some of the games which are being watched at the e3, all them with a great orientation to the multiplayer, fabulous graphics and a gameplay we´ve never seen before, do you like this e3?

Similar technology to kinect on Windows Phone? Yes, with 3D Touch.

Would you like to control your Windows Phone through gestures without the necessity of touching the screen? Microsoft is preparing a new technology which might be shown in the end of year, do you want to know 3D Touch?

martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Blast conference of Xbox One in the E3.

Microsoft has been the first to give the conference in the E3 surprising to all the people who follow it, showing game after game, exclusive after exclusive….do you wanna know what it has presented Xbox One?

Lumia 630, the successor of the throne of Windows Phone?

We have between us the new Lumia 630, the first Smartphone which arrives to the market with Windows Phone 8.1 officially at a breaking price, will it be the new substitute of the King sales Lumia 520?

viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

Xbox One prepares for the e3.

Less than a week to start one of the largest fairs in video games, Microsoft keeps presenting novelties for Xbox One, do you dare to know them?

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

What happens with Surface Mini?

After some weeks of the presentation of Surface 3 we don´t know nothing about Surface Mini, will Microsoft be thinking about presenting during the Computex event?

domingo, 1 de junio de 2014

Discover some interesting novelties for Windows Phone.

They have just launched the new Lumia 630, WhatsApp comes back improved and Microsoft launches the explorer of official files for Windows Phone 8.1, do you want to know more details?

Skype will be able to traduce languages at the real time.

Microsoft has just taken out news which might revolutionize the world of the communications, since through Skype we could talk with any person of the world without putting languages barriers, do you aim at the revolution?

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

Windows 8.1 with Bing is already a reality

Microsoft wants to expand the Windows ecosystem through a cheaper cost of its operating system to the manufacturers making some terms, will it guess with this strategy?

Update after update...

Xbox One keeps improving diary and it shows with updates that are being produced almost diary and from which has only an objective, offers the best experience to the players and get in the best console of the generation, do you want to know the last advances?

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 arrives to substitute your laptop.

Microsoft has just presented a tablet which will mark precedents, Microsoft Surface Pro 3 has all what you need and more, are you ready to know it?

Control your house with Windows 8.1.

Who wouldn´t like to be able to control all the actions of your house from the distance? Now if you have a device with Windows 8.1 is possible, are you ready to robotize your house?

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014

Leaks about the future?

An employee of Microsoft left some days ago in Facebook what they could be the plans or actions in which Microsoft is working recently, and how it always leaves some revealed and surprised data from what it could come into the next future, are you ready?.

jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

The Office apps for Ipad get to 27 million of downloads

We have just known official figures about the number of uploads of the application of the office suite Office for Ipad, which has achieved to get 27 million of uploads in only 6 weeks, great results which show how the chosen strategy has been the right.

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Xbox One without kinect costs 399€.

Microsoft is decided to change the way of Xbox One with actions which users asked for since a long time ago, do you wanna a lower price? So here you are, by 399€ you could enjoy of manu more than a console.

Windows Phone keeps advancing!

Microsoft keeps making great efforts by its mobile mobile operating system in order to this keeps increasing such as in users as in quality, and this is not reflected in increased support of the manufacturers, novelties of the ecosystem and a more effective marketing, don´t you still have yours?

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Smartwatch of Microsoft in the way?

Microsoft doesn´t want to be left behind in the field of smart watches and it may that also create its own smartwatch, which utilities would it differentiate?

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

Mini surface is near from us

Microsoft has convened for the next 20 of Mai an event dedicated to Surface under the motto “Join to us for a little meeting” in which possibly it will give us to know Surface Mini, are you ready?

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

A keyboard which recognizes gestures? Yes, it is possible.

Microsoft Research keeps with investigations which surprises by the mere fact of trying to see more than we see the rest, in this case it has achieved to evolve in something that nobody will think it could improve, do you want to see it?

viernes, 2 de mayo de 2014

Be unique and different, use Windows Phone

We live in a world full of personal stereotypes, ideas or objects which can make feel you like one more, only you have the possibility of feeling different……make that they see you like someone unique using and enjoining with Windows Phone.